Monday, December 22, 2008

It's official - The Dr. said so.

The school screening was right, I took Jav for an official eye screening and Javan is color-blind. Really. I was amazed that the child was actually seeing things I could not on the test, that is an odd feeling. He has never given us reason to believe he had problems telling colors, what a great little compensator.

Friday, December 19, 2008

A Marines' Christmas Duty.

I know I read some form of this poem every year but it still continues to make me tear up every time I read it. This Christmas our home full of friends will be a little smaller due to these Marines out on the front lines~ we wish you were all here but we are also so proud of where you are and why you are there, Merry Christmas my friends.

The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,
I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.

My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,
My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.

Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,
Transforming the yard to a winter delight.

The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,
Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.

My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,
Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.

In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,
So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.

The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near,
But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.

Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know, Then the
sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.

My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,
And I crept to the door just to see who was near.

Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,
A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.

A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old,
Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.

Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,
Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child.

"What are you doing?" I asked without fear,
"Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!
Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,
You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!"
For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,
Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts..

To the window that danced with a warm fire's light
Then he sighed and he said "Its really all right,
I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night.
"It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,
That separates you from the darkest of times.

No one had to ask or beg or implore me,
I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me.

My Gramps died at ' Pearl on a day in December,"
Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers.
My dad stood his watch in the jungles of ' Nam ',
And now it is my turn and so, here I am.

I've not seen my own son in more than a while,
But my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile.

Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,
The red, white, and blue... an American flag.

I can live through the cold and the being alone,
Away from my family, my house and my home.

I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,
I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.

I can carry the weight of killing another,
Or lay down my life with my sister and brother..
Who stand at the front against any and all,
To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall.

" So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright,
Your family is waiting and I'll be all right.
"But isn't there something I can do, at the lea st,
"Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast?
It seems all too little for all that you've done,
For being away from your wife and your son.

Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,
"Just tell us you love us, and never forget.

To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,
To stand your own watch, no matter how long.

For when we come home, either standing or dead,
To know you remember we fought and we bled.

Is payment enough, and with that we will trust,
That we mattered to you as you mattered to us."

Monday, December 15, 2008

"Mom, why do bad things happen to good people?"

This is what Marissa asked me today as I rambled on about the effects of the evil, devastating cancer that continues to consume amazingly wonderful people that we know and love. Steve Hedrick Sr died 2007 of the results of lung cancer. My Dad has fought and at this point overcome cancer, both of these men struggling through their own pain all while keeping all those who love them comforted by their words and faith.

The story continues, Mrs.Taylor (my 6th grade teacher) recently informed us via caringbridge that her husband was recently diagnosed and is currently being treated by means of a radical surgery to save his life. All this after after Mrs. Taylor has too been treated for cancer years ago.

Terri, another friend of ours has undergone treatment for CA and currently they continue to say they find clues of cancer in her blood but can not locate it on any scans. How fair is that? It is like dangling the hope of wellness and health right in front of you but just not quite being able to reach it. This is who Marissa was talking about when she asked such a loaded question.

I am not sure as to why I had to get up at 2:30AM and write this(so I may ramble), Marissa's words keep ringing in my ears "Mom, why do bad things happen to good people?" and you know what? I couldn't answer her! I could not give my daughter a reason because I too was literally sitting there asking the same thing! Why God? Why? Why do some people who murder, lie, abuse, steal, drug-addicts and so on continue with life without intense pain of watching their loved ones clammer
for their health and well-being while others who share your word and love with the world suffer with no complaints?

I know, I know there is the logical reason of "This is a mountain they will climb and with faith will show us all, they will either go into remission, be cured or possibly succumb to their illness but all while teaching us". You know what? I don't want to be taught by other peoples misfortunes, other peoples pain. Why can't their lights to continue to shine for the Lord and be as bright as the spirit he has made them, to be a beacon in the night for those of us who search for solice in God's love and plan. No more pain, no more tears, no more being scared, God heal these people and all those we love who are not mentioned here ravished, recovering, in remission and cured of this process of evil. Let us learn by the good they do, they happiness they bring, make them a pillar of hope and strength for the lives they touch.

So to answer my daughter? I am not sure, I don't know if I ever will be. The whole "God has a plan" can stumble out of my mouth because I know he does but what does that give to a 12 year old?

My thoughts are with you all and your families this season...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Learning how to be a "Military Brat"

This is how you know you are a military brat trying to learn the "lingo".

I was picking Marissa up for a Orthodontic appointment last week and while in the car chatting the following conversation occured.

Marissa: Mom, we are not having a Christmas Dance this year at the school like we did for Halloween. Can you believe that?

Me: Why? It seems like so much fun, Did somebody do something and mess it all up for the rest of you?

Marissa: Well, actually the DJ is active duty and he UPS'd...

I lost it, I could just imagine him in a little box!

To my non-military friends and family what she was trying to say was "He PCS'd" meaning "Permanent Change of Station". Military families do this on an average EVERY 2.5 years, it is a WELL known term and used often with-in the military, I guess just not quite often enough around Sis.

Love ya girl! You will get the hang of it soon enough, welcome the the Marine Corps baby.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Confessions of a derelict mother

Now that Javan is learning to read a whole new world of words are coming to light.

A few examples:

1. When singing the ABC's he asked "Mom why is there no "O" in the ABCS?".
You know LMNOP the O just slips right by, we had to point that out.

2. When doing his "working with words" we spelled the word drier. As my example I pointed to the dryer(let me corret this, the dryer get the clothes dry, making them drier) and he said "Oh, I thought that was grier!"

Oh my goodness, maybe I have been a little lax on not listening to his words,yikes!!

Tonight while doing spelling words he had the word SAW, he looked at me funny (and by now I know that look unfortunately). So I explained, " I saw I bird fly by in the sky" all he could say was "Oh, I thought that was sawl"

I swear we are not rednecks...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We are legends, in our own minds.

For your viewing pleasure:The Hedrick's Seasons Greetings 2008

Months ago we participated in Operation Seasons Greetings', a little thing they have put together that allows you to tape your family wishing all others back home holiday cheer. I do have to say it was quite funny because there was no "practicing" per say, they just get you up there and tell you to "Go! In 5 4 3 2.." Steve being the military member was to introduce us and say the little shpill and after about the 5th time I think they were just done with us. One point after the taping Steve actually asked if he blinked at all through the whole thing, lol, it was kinda' the deer in the headlights look.

Either way, The Hedrick Family is now showing on TV in 2 different states wishing you all the best this holiday season.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Brace Face

Marissa finally has her consult today for her new braces, now we will get to call her things like Brace Face, Tin Grin and all the other fun things we can think of!

We had originally planned on having her braces on prior to our move here but her primary teeth were just not cooperating. You can imagine my horror when we got here and they explained that she has to go through an approval process including boards and all sorts of other junk just to determine if she qualified for braces. I patiently waited without making a big deal over anything until the whole process had taken place and the "board" had convened. Here in Okinawa if approved you actually get government issued braces, we don't even have to pay for them! Crazy huh? Yeah, they had to tell me that about three times because I though I heard them wrong.

Since she already had orthodontics in her mouth I explained that we had no problem paying for them but she just REALLY needed them on SOON. They called to let us know we were approved so let the name calling begin. Hmmm, I wonder if they will places braces on Jav while we are over here since they are issued and all. :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Operation Christmas Tree = You giving to those who give.

I just recently found out about this great program that sends Christmas Trees to the men and women who protect our country and can not be home with their loved ones this year. What a great idea!

This website tells all about it and allows you to purchase a tree for a service member of your choice or the "next" available service member waiting to receive a little taste of home for just $25.00. Hurry, time is running out to make someones holiday a little brighter while away from their families this Christmas season.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The child is 6 almost 7 and as of last night I though I had heard everything. You would think after 6 years of living with a little one and knowing all their little quirks and years of teaching and correcting speech patterns and in general I was thinking we were pretty much in the clear on the basics!

While studying spelling words with Jav last night he had to do "rhyming" words with the words of his choice. He chose the word "rain". Hmmmm....what rhymes with rain? Ok, I'll give the kid a few so we can move on - "P-ain, pain,you know Jav, when you fall and hurt yourself you have pain". Progress, right? Let's do one more.

Me: Choo choo (waiting for him to catch the hint)
Me: (again) Choo choo. Javan! Train
Javan: Teeerain
Me: Yes! Good job, train. Write it down.
Javan: Hahahah, train, Mom your funny,

This is when I realized something was not clicking here.

Me: What is so funny?
Jav: Train, that sounds funny, that is not a word.
Me: Jav! Choo choo, choo choo TRAIN.
Jav: What's that?

At this point I was worried he might have a head injury of some sort.

Me: JAVAN! A Train, like on railroad tracks?(Now I even drew a picture for him)
Jav: Oh! A chrain - choo choo chrain.


As Jav would say, "Everybody relax down".

Another election year has come to pass and I am sure you have heard just as many comments as I have regarding the outcome of our President Elect. I have never seen as much upset or heard so many discouraging comments and worries as we begin a new chapter of American history. I do worry, I worry because I am concerned for the future of our brave men and women who I have the great privilege to meet and befriend every day who will fight for our country no matter who leads it. They will take a stand and follow every order even if they do not fully agree in their hearts that it is the right one. These men and women will repeatedly return to war even if ground is lost due to our leaders making the "wrong" decision, but they will do it with unfaltering commitment, obedience and without disgracing our country. I worry for the people of our country, our freedoms, our children.

God is in control, he always has been and always will be. I am reminded of this by reading my friends blog and I am so refreshed as I realize that we can only do so much as citizens. We voted. The rest is left in Gods hands to guide and direct the man who is to lead or country.

Faith, it is the gift that was given to us in the times of despair, need and uplifting. Feel free to use it!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Meet Oshi...our newest family member.

We have had Oshi (meaning "precious") for about 5 weeks now and she has really blossomed and made herself at home as you can tell. She is quite the little baby meowing and calling for me whenever I walk out of the room. I just thought this was so sweet, it's like little kitty narcolepsy! For a bit we thought the word for precious was "Oishii" but were quickly corrected when we were told that Oishii means "delicious". Not really the effect we were looking for!

To do or not to do? That is the question.

I am expecting a small scolding from Mrs. Taylor and my other teacher friends for this one but I have to say I was totally at the end of my rope and...I was pretty excited about MY AWESOME montage.

Marissa has a Language Arts class that she just CAN NOT please her teacher in AT ALL! She worked on her montage for days! Cutting and pasting,even drawing her own photos, the ones I used on her 3rd montage finale. I was impressed with her ability to put it ALL together ON HER OWN, from beginning to end! She worked on the draft and everything, all 7 pages with her own creative abilities and I was impressed.

Her teacher had her bring it back home and re-do her montage because she felt she needed it to be more "montagie". No biggie, she worked on it again that evening and took it back to school,again. That afternoon she came home from school with her montage,AGAIN! This time it was not quite "neat" enough. Now I totally understand and appreciate her giving sis the opportunity to "make a good grade" but this is the part that upsets me, Marissa does have other subjects in school that also require attention! This time I told her to do her other homework and I would do her montage- Of course I had to discuss my issue with a few parents that share the same teacher and have been told that they completed their child's montage and actually had already turned it in.

Do you think teachers can really tell when parents have completed a childs project? I mean, for real, compared to her other montage I feel there is a definite contrast. Can she not tell? Either way the only response she had for Marissa was "See Marissa, I knew you could do it". Probably not the best way to build her self-esteem, but I was quite impressed with my project!

Oh, and yes...that is actual beach sand with coral in it and everything if you are wondering.

How long will he let me dress him like this?

This is so sweet. I know, I know...He is almost 7 and is now such a big boy but I just can not resist every now and then just getting so excited because he looks soooo cute and small still. Marissa by this age had A LOT of ideas as to how she would and would not allow me to dress her. Once, when buying new school clothes for sis for first grade I was excited to go the the little bow and clips section of Target to mix-and-match ribbons to go with her new outfits, she proceeded to tell me that she was now in first grade and she could not wear baby stuff like that!

Javan did not say a word as I dressed him in his little tram poncho with little faces. I Love it!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How long has it been since you played Tug-O-War?

We packed up the family (and Carmen) and headed to Naha for the day to experience the much talked about Naha Tsunahiki. We all enjoy ourselves so much when we are out and enjoying the local culture and people that you almost forget why you are actually here. It is like a small mini-vacation every weekend packed full of memories that will last forever! This tradition of a local Tug-O-War is an ongoing "right" to bragging of the East and West side of the island. News on the local street is that historically when the East and West side needed to settle a dispute they would prepare a rope and the local "Strong Men" or "Leaders" would gather and decide to either fight it out of play a manly game of Tug-O-War. Now it has become a tradition that had moved out of the bounds a rational reason of a friendly game of backyard tug-o-war. The Naha Tsunahiki games are now listed in The Guinness Book of World Records and every year they attempt to break their own record as the most people involved in the tugging.

I have some pics and video I can share with you as we go along, come on! This is where we actually wandered onto a side road with the kids to take in some of the sites and were used as Japanese party favors for the drinking pole carriers and parade participants. They loved us, and we enjoyed them too. See, this is how it all starts... A Japanese party waiting to happen.
This is just one side of the road, the East side actually. The rope takes up about one city block in length and judging by the man standing next to it you can see had wide it is, it is said to be about 40 metric tons. They have an identical rope on the other side of the intersection that needs to be joined to make one full rope.This is done by everyone grabbing smaller ropes that branch off the large main rope and pushing forward all at once until the front of the ropes touch. This is a big effort to get thousands of people working together, especially when they don't all speak Japanese! Once the ropes are bound together by a large piece of wood slipped through the knots you are then directed to pull back to take the slack out of the rope and prepare for the actual "Tug". As you can imagine this took a little bit of time.

The East side rope-
These three had their piece of rope and pulled with all their might, I think they might be the reason our side won. I was a little nervous because I did not want one of them to fall and be trampled! Marissa had just about enough once she was choked by a rope and another participant.

What an awesome time! Tradition has it that once the war is over you should take some rope home with you for good luck throughout the next year. It was so funny to see EVERYONE with small or large pieces of rope all evening everywhere you went. Here is bit more about the Naka Tsunahiki that we went to,
(copy and paste, you know I have issues getting my link thing to work)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ho Hum...2:32 in the morning.

Here it is 2:34 AM and I soooo can not get back to sleep! I so frustrate myself when this happens. I have to say I don't feel like I really sleep well here for one reason or another but, this is officially the first time I HAD to get out of bed due to my tossing and turning getting on my own nerves let along Steve's.

Hmm...what to talk about? I have all the time in the world! This might get boring for you all since I can totally ramble and there is no one to stop me. :) What the heck, it's 2:37 in the morning in Okinawa- I have the right to ramble. So, as I was repetitively rolling over in bed I had that stupid song in my head singing it over and over again "I'm in Love With a Girl". You know the one...(long pause)well I was gonna sing it to you but I'm pretty sure all I know is the chorus that just keeps saying "I'm in Love With a Girl" so I guess that will not help much. Your on your own on this one, sorry. I think I no longer really like that song so don't worry if you don't know it, it is not one of my faves anyhow!

Things are busy here, the kids have baseball practice on Mondays and Wednesdays as well as Sis has vocal/piano classes on Tuesdays. They usually have a game each on the weekend or a weekday night so extra-curriculars take up a good part of the week. It is always a task to get homework done and then out the door all while having fed them all dinner before leaving (or throwing it at them on their way out the door). I have the utmost respect for organized mothers who make it all look so easy, it is a small disaster at my house for the most part.

What else? I have actually worked a whole THREE days since arriving on island. I sub nursed 1 day and sub taught the other 2(so out of my element there) I know, I is a rough life. For real! I think I might go crazy without a job and start to sing "I'm in Love With a Girl" over and over again in my head. Maybe that is what this is- the beginning of insanity!

Steve will be leaving it seems to go to a 6 week Staff Course late Oct. and finishing that up Dec. 18th so it looks like the kids and I will be bach'in it. Can women do that? Bach'it? For the equality of all women I am officially using the term for my self use (and including the kids) HA! Because that is what women can do, take something, make it their own, AND make it better by adding more to it. Ladies, go ahead and use the term freely if you must.

I have really begun to miss home. Things are well here and I am feeling more and more like we have carved a small place for ourselves here but back home we were well "rooted". We/I no longer have that comfort. I remember one day actually being stuck at work due to a critical patient that came in and I could not leave to get Marissa from school. The police department had accompanied the patient, as they do for most codes, and I was so worried because she was so small and was going to be home alone once she walked home. The Wentzville PD actually called another cruiser to follow her home and tell her that I was going to be late and why as well as give her his card with his number if she needed him while I was at work. How sweet of them. That is just the kind of people I worked with on a daily basis and I think I am missing that connection with co-workers. I am missing work in general because I LOVE what I do but I am also missing my friends who worked along beside me more than they will ever know. In some of the craziest, oddest situations that you would think you could NEVER find yourself in they could always find a way to laugh about it. I could use a good laugh right now. I miss you all and hope all is well.

I am so going to hate myself at 0530. Marissa gets up and ready for school so early here is has begun a new trend of early bedtimes for us all. I think we are getting old, although we were up until 2200 last night! WOW - We are some wild and crazy people!

OK, enough is enough. I am going to try to head back to bed. I think I am getting tired. You guys are not very good conversationalist, I feel like I am talking to myself. :)

Goodnight with Love-

I'm in Love With a Girl...da da da da....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Holy moley! Typhoon on the loose!

I have never really witnessed or have experienced a real typhoon(hurricaine,etc.).Everyone here says "Typhoon this, typhoon that" and how we need to "stock up" but I am clueless as to what to grab! I think I'm just gonna follow people around in the store and grab whatever they are grabbing. LOL. Yikes! I gotta go!

As of now it is projected to hit the with the eye going right across the island on Friday around 2100 with winds to 155 miles per hour. Wow! that's fast.

Check out the link!

All better!

Thank you to everyone who prayed and sent well wishes to my Dad. He is now back at home and feeling better every day. YAY DAD!! What a great eye-opener to make us all realize that there are times we take our relationships for granted and often we do not really tell our loved ones how much we really love them and how grateful we are to have them in our lives.

Thank you again, and Dad, I love you!

Sunday, August 31, 2008


I received a phone call that my Dad had a heart attack yesterday morning. He is in ICU and just had 2 stents placed. It makes me so sad I am so far away and can not even talk to him to tell him how much I love him.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Daddy and Javan time at dinner

Preface: Steve had grown his mustache out for a while prior to the following conversation.We were out having dinner and Steve was grilling it on our table while Javan was waiting for his food.

Javan: (laughing so hard he couldn't hardly even talk and pointing) "Daddy, you have a mustache"!

Steve: (all of us laughing because it has been there for like forever now) Yes, Javan I do, I have had it for a while now.

Javan: (Looking serious) "Is it real"?

This kid can come up with some of the funniest stuff! I can just see Steve putting on his mustache for dinner...

The NeoPark Experience

My babies are getting ready to go back to school and I was feeling like a little bit of a slacker mother since we have been so consumed with the moving process and settling in. My friend Denise had mentioned that there was a place South of us called NeoPark that is like an animal sanctuary. You actually walk through and can feed all the bird and Lemurs and really anything else that you can get close enough to feed. (Shhh...don't tell the staff of NeoPark I just told you guys that)

We loaded up the kiddos and another friend of mine, Carmen and off we went to explore the wildlife of Japan. What a fun place!!! Only with a crew of 7, 4 of them being children can you have so many mishaps and laughs. The birds are so funny, they totally know when you walk up to the glass door to go outside that you have food and boy are they ready for ya.

Javan was not so hip on the birds considering most of them were as tall as he was!! In this picture he was literally yelling, "Mooommmmmyyy, HELP!"

With so many birds comes bird poop and Marissa could not resist falling right into the excitement of their excretions. Marissa, you bring so many good stories to the table. I love you soooo much!

These birds were great, there were so many of them I have never seen before and they would walk right up to you. We took all of our left over crackers and Denise brought raisins to coax the Lemurs out of the trees. Their tiny lemur hands are sooo soft, like a newborn baby and they are so gentle taking the raisin from your hand ever so carefully. I wanted to bring the little guy home!

Bad hair day

Denise and the kids feeding the lemur.

Now you have to come with me to the Afurican Savanna. Yes, I said Afurican Savannah. That is Engrish. In the Afurican Savanna they have all the exotic animals you would normally see in Afurica, Like the rare Doxon, and Chihuahua. It still makes me laugh just writing about it! They have dogs on display! Yes, they have dogs as exhibits AND you can pay 200 yen to go to the petting zoo to pet the rare species. We had to do it in the spirit of exploration. Along with about 10-12 dogs they had a Little baby boar that ran around and mingled with the dog peters. He was small and cute and commanded your attention. Javan got right down to his level and was petting him and the little guy licked his chin and made us all laugh, awww so sweet. Marissa thought she too wanted to do this so right to her bottom she went to pet the fella. She did not consider that she had bird food in her pocket and HOLY PIG!! That little pig attacked her and was squealing and nipping the whole time. All we could do was scream as she fought the pig off! Everyone was screaming - American and Japanese alike! She made it out unscathed but I do think she will not travel the Afurican Savanna again anytime real soon.


The very rarely seen mixed breeds of the Afurican Savanna.

This little piggy was the naughty one, I am so happy Javan did not have food on his face after lunch! We would be having a pig roast!

That was about all the excitement we could stand for the day, a few more visits with some monkeys and HUGE fish that are from the Amazon and we finished up the perfect day with a group photo! Traditional Japanese garb complete with the accessories. This is when you finish and are about to leave the park for $5.00, can't beat it!

Only in Okinawa can you: Fall in bird poop, feed a lemur, see wild chihuahuas on exhibit, be attacked by a baby pig, feed ginormous fish and dress up in kimonos for a photo opp. all in one afternoon! Gotta love this place!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Eisa festival of 10,000 dancers 2008

So I have felt a little guilty of not sharing more of the Japanese culture with you guys because we have really been hanging around the house so much. There is so much to do and see here I find myself almost irritated that we are not out EVERY weekend seeing and doing more. I have to remind myself quite often that we are here for 3 years so try not to rush.

The kids only have about 2 weeks or so until school starts so I really want to get them out some before the big "1st day". We went last weekend to the 53rd Annual Eisa Festival of 10,000 dancers. This festival actually started as a contest between groups of dancers performing their cultural dances for judges. The dancers vary in ages from very small to very old.

We had an awesome time and the sounds of the large drums just resonated deep in your chest. It was really spectacular! Of course, it did begin to rain but I did not mind at all since it kept it kinda cool. Here are a few pictures of the Eisa Festival, enjoy! we did...

Little guy getting ready for his groups turn.

Hmmm... I can't get blogger to download any more pics right now, I'm so upset because there are some great pictures. I'll try to post more later!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Somebody thinks I am worth a $10.00 weed.

My baby boy is the sweetest thing in the world. Love is so blind, I can find myself SOOO irritated with him at times and then he does something so sweet and innocent it almost makes me cry.

Today he brought in this pretty little weed of a flower and handed it to me. It is not uncommon for him to bring me dainty little flowers occasionally and I give him a little hug and we go on our way.

Today, the flower today was different. Apparently Javan had found $10.00 while playing outside with all the kids and he was so excited. Sadly, one of the older manipulative boys pulled a mean trick on little Javan and said he would "trade" him something for his ten dollar bill. The boy ask what Javan wanted-

Javs story:

"I told him I wanted a flower thiiiiiiiis tall (as he held up his little hands) to give to you"

Who would really pay $10.00 to buy me a single little flower? I know baby boy. I wish it could stay like that forever.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My baby lost his first tooth!

He did it!! Javan actually lost his first tooth on July 29, 2008!! He was so excited, he wanted to know the date because he said it was his "special" day.

Steve pulled it for him because it was just hanging there from him playing with it over the last week or so, he had messed with it so much his gums were all irritated.

A few things Javan has requested to eat to help his tooth come out faster:

- Apples
- Oranges
- Steak
I have felt like a short-order cook around here!

With rain comes rainbows.

It will rain at the drop of a hat here. You can just be walking around outside and "BAm~!" Rain. Never would have expected it, but there it is. It isn't always a sprinkle either, it could be a downpour! It is one of the craziest things I have ever seen.

It will go away just as quickly as it came too and the sun is so hot here that any proof of rain will disappear within minutes just leaving it humid and muggy.

By experience... you can literally get out of your car with the sun shining and start walking to a building, get drenched in the parking lot because it didn't even LOOK like it was going to rain, get in the door all soaked - rain stops, everyone looks at you like "what have you been doing?" and they go on about thier way to go outside and it does not even look as if it had rained. Thank goodness that 90% of the same people have probably found themselves in the same situation so it does not require much explaining!

The beautiful rainbow showed up as we were driving away from our house on base. It was so perfect I had to share.

Ghetto Fab or Gotta Have?

They say When in Okinawa do as....

So manicures and pedicures are the "big" thing around here for women. All the ladies and teens know about "Cocoks" pronounced Coco's (drop the K!!) There they do intricate designs and paintings on all your digits. I was diggin' the whole hour and a half pedicure thing and nail art, what a nice treat!

In the states I have had my nails done for like ummm...let's just say a long time.
It is a process I have gotten down to a science and I know exactly what I like and what I don't like. I run in and in 45 min. I am running out. Perfect. Fast. On-the-fly.

My appt. here started like all the others for my "fill" sit in the chair and - Wait, is that glass of tea for me? Yes! They brought me a glass of tea(it's yummy too)and an hour and a half later she was done. Now I can not say that I was not beginning to become inpatient because well, that is just how I am. Why though? It is such a different way of thinking here. To them I was there to "relax". I am going to work on that!

They have a book of "Nail Art" that you look through and they actually paint the design you chose on your nails and they do 3D art as well(its all puffy). Marissa had thumbed through this book and was beside herself, she LOVED it all. Then she had to go on to say "Mom, you are so boring, you never do stuff like this" and "If Aunt Amanda were here she would do something fun and crazy". On and on she went until I actually started to feel old and boring, not exciting or fun. So I went for it!! Pink paint, gold glitter,3D art flowers and GOLD BALLS!! It must have been the tea. What was I thinking?

Did I really prove anything? Does she think I am any cooler? I don't really think so, but I am the one stuck with some crazy designs and 3D art on my fingernails that I NEVER would have done before, trust me. It is hard for me to even paint them pink. Oh lands, what have I done?

Monday, July 21, 2008

My baby boy is in heaven!!

This is a sight you would NEVER see back in our old sub-division. Back in Wentzville in our wonderful Spring Meadows there were no "boys" for Javan to play with - just stinky girls. Girls who would paint his nails and have him play with dolls and jump rope. He was a good sport because he did not know any better. Well, that has all changed now! They were running around with all of Javans guns chasing each other and making "bang, bang" noises. I LOVE IT!! My little boy can be a little boy.

He did mention today that he misses his "house in Wentzville" but really likes all of his new friends. I think we are making progress!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

What was in this boys rice?

We went to the American village last week and wondered around for a bit to find a place to eat that actually took Visa or dollars. We finally found one that is actually a double-decker bus attached to the restaurant. Of course the kids wanted to eat in the bus and it was just us having our own little private lunch. I guess this allowed Javan to really "cut loose". I'm not sure what got into him but he really had us all laughing!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I despise painting.

I truly hate to paint walls. It is a pain, it is messy and it takes FOREVER. This house is never going to feel like home with government yellow walls so I have to do something. I am such an instant gratification loving immediate results type person that I LOVE painting. So many mixed emotions!!!

What is a girl to do?

I have started on the living room and I just had to vent about my internal conflict.

Thursday, July 10, 2008 first mistake was

We decided to go purchase another car yesterday. Here in Okinawa you have 2 choices when it comes to buying a car.
1-Lemon lot (where people sell their cars prior to PCS'ing)
2-American Car Lot (usually run by retired military selling Japanese cars)

We decided to go back to the lemon lot for car #2 since we did not want to have to make car payments and plus you can really haggle since military members HAVE to have sold their cars prior to getting authorization to leave Japan to go back to the states. Piece of cake - we are so going to get a deal!!

We found a blue S-MX ( I'll show pictures later) that is small and cute, will fit the kids and I just fine and it ran great! The family selling this car had another black one just like it that they were selling too. Steve and I being the totally rational, thorough people we are thought "Hey, we should drive that one too, compare them and really see if we are getting what we are paying for. (Mistake #1)

We hop in the black one and I happen to drive it first...
[Sidenote: Why am I driving the car to "test-drive" it? I am no more in-tune with cars than I am NASA!]
I drive it down the street to a parking lot and park the thing and ask Steve if he would like to drive it back upon which his answer is "NO". (Mistake #2)
Neither one of us were really impressed with this one so I just turned right around and left the parking lot to go back to the lot.

When entering the lot I had a few choices to make one being to back the car in like he had it originally or pull it in. Knowing myself well enough to know that backing it in was probably not "safe" I decided to pull it in. (Mistake #3)

You see, the car has "aftermarket" ground effects on it (which didn't mean anything to me) but after I ripped it off and broke it, peeled off the paint and scratched it all up the people who owned the car were sure to tell us that they were "AFTERMARKET" ahhh... now I know what that means.

I pulled up too close and I could tell judging by the size of the eyes of the some random people who just happened to be standing in front of the parking spot that I parked in that it was not the best parking job ever. She mouthed "YOU BROKE IT!"

Sure enough, I did and Steve nor I both were real happy. Long story shorter, we offered to pay for the damages on a car we are not buying. We are in fact buying their other car so to say the least we could not "haggle" since I totally messed up their car that someone was coming to buy from them the next day. Steve and the guy worked it out to where the repair cost are included into our purchase costs so that we do not "owe" him anything once the final sell is made.

Humph... only me. (but my little blue car is cute!)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

This is what we get to watch instead of commercials...

A friend of mine(that I am borrowing from my sister):) reminded me that I wanted to share these with you guys.

AFN - Armed Forces Network has actually devised a great system of passing information from uniform regulations to daily "reminders" of proper ways to act, interact and treat Okinawa and it's citizens. I really have to laugh at some of them and roll my eyes at others! I thought I would just share a few of the Sooooooooo many that we get to see on a daily basis.



Aren't these great? Gotta love it!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The earth was shakin'!

So apparently earthquakes like to follow us! All the way from Missouri... We had an earthquake here today around 1645 but I guess it really has to be impressive for me to ever notice anything since I had to be told by everyone else.

I always miss all the excitement, even if it's right under my feet!

Link of earthquake info.

Again, you have to copy and paste because I am too lazy to really mess with this thing to figure out why it won't link. Sorry!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Let freedom ring

So we went today to the Kadena Flight Line "American Fest" since Steve had duty all day and night on the fourth. I really did not feel like going especially when we heard on the radio that the temp. was 98 degrees and I soooo hate to sweat and be sticky but I took one for the team. I am glad we went though, we saw some REALLY funny stuff and had a fun time people watching. Matter of fact, I took a few pictures for you guys to enjoy too! Some things just really tickle me. I actually saw a Japanese man wearing red, white and blue today to celebrate July 4th! I had to giggle at this-

Kadena is always closed to the Japanese public but it did open today for them to come in and enjoy the festivities and boy do they flock in, they L.O.V.E anything American. It is fun to actually mingle with them and take pictures, they really like to take your pictures with them too - you will always see them holding up the peace sign in EVERY picture, even the babies. I saw my first Japanese mullet today and it just happened to be on a baby, I had to take his picture he was so damn cute!

Isn't this the cutest thing?

OH!! We saw our first Japanese butt crack today too and it wouldn't be in the true spirit of blogging if you didn't have to endure this memory with me also!
Actually, after looking at the color of the crack I am pretty sure he is American but it is so staying here in this blog because I actually went out of my way to photograph this guys butt in front of everyone.

They had a live concert by a group I was sure I did not even know but I thought some of their music was pretty cool until they sang a song that I actually knew! Whata' ya know it was EVE 6...Hmmmm, that's how up to date I am with the whole music scene thing. They sing that song "Inside Out" I felt all cool for 3 minutes and 39 seconds that I could actually sing a song along with them!

The kids had a great time and really enjoyed hanging out and watching fireworks. They had a few games of Okinawan Deal or no Deal and get this, a Japanese lady next to us did not speak English very well and they called raffle ticket numbers to determine who was going to play. She could not read the numbers fast enough to know if she won so she asked us to read it for her and sure enough she actually won a chance to go up to the stage! After being up there and playing the game for a bit her family would ask us what we thought she should do since they are not familiar with the game nor do they speak English very well. Our lady was up to $200.00 and had lost all the "large" sums so we motioned to "make a deal". She was soooo happy she won $200.00! Later one of her family member walked up to us and tried to give us money for helping! Isn't that crazy? Who would do that in the states? Actually try to give someone money for something like that! I couldn't believe how nice and polite they were so we only took $100.00. LOL!!! I'm kidding, we were shocked they even offered and declined politely.

The Winner!!

We had a great time and hope you guys enjoyed our 4th via Blog with us!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th!!

I'm not sure how you can feel so busy but still so in a funk all at the same time. The last of our household items arrived day before yesterday so I still have to unpack about 55 of the 71 boxed that were delivered. Yuck! The house still does not feel like our home.

Maybe having another car will help so the kids and I can get out more, I don't know. I have never been the type to stay home all the time and to be truthful I don't really stay home all the time now but I really feel like I am not productive at all here. I thought I might get to resuscitate a drowning kid last week that Steve pulled out of the pool but he pulled him out too soon and I didn't even get to play. What ever happened to teamwork around here?

I need a job, I'm restless. Maybe volunteer in the ER here and finish school. Maybe work and go to the beach, maybe eat Bon Bons and watch soap operas that aired 2 weeks ago in the states (Shhhhh...don't tell me what happened on the shows it will ruin the suspense.)

Happy 4th to you all- wish we were there to celebrate with you, the Japanese aren't into the whole "4th of July" thing. I'm off to go do something productive or maybe sit here and watch TV, maybe eat some icecream, maybe go to bed - urg...decisions. decisions

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A recent Javanism

"Time zooms apast when you are having fun!"

Upon realizing it was time to leave after his swim party was ending much sooner than he thought was necessary.

Friday, June 20, 2008

You know you are living on a military base when...

Javan and Marissa have made a few friends to call their own recently, and every now and then I hear little taps on the door and hear the kids go running to see who is on the other side with excitement.

Yesterday I was wondering through the house and felt like I needed to check on Javan as I went by the front door. I could hear little voices as I came closer and as I opened up the door there where four little people on the front porch and patio. Three of them, one being Javan, were laying on the hot concrete that bakes in the Okinawan sun with bamboo stalks laying around each of them in a perfect rectangular pattern. Curiosity got the best of me and I had to ask what they were up to? "Why are you laying on the steamy ground and what do these sticks represent?"

The little girl, Sky (a twin in fact to Summer) went on to explain to me they were playing and she was the nurse taking care of all the hurt soldiers of "THE" war.

"THE" war- lets take a minute and think about that...

Sky at 6 years old didn't say , "We are playing like I am the nurse taking care of soldiers hurt of "A" war." Why? because to her, in her little mind it is MUCH more. It is not "A" war, it is "THE" war, "THE" war that takes her daddy away, "THE" war that makes her family incomplete for months at a time. "THE" war that she hears her mommy and all of her mommies friends talk about and cry on each others shoulders as they miss and need the one they love most, the one who comforts her mommy when she is sad or simply says "I love you" that her mommy no longer hears from her Daddy and wonders if she will ever hear again. "THE" war that causes her Daddy to miss her birthday's and other major events that she will look back on pictures and notice that someone is missing.

I guess as this war has lingered on from year to year I think our patriotism has stood strong but our reality is misconstrued. Our lives go on, we go to work, play with our children,eat dinner at the family table and go to bed feeling safe. All while the smallest creatures of the war, our soldiers children - go to school, wish their mom or dad were there to play ball with them in the front yard or go to the pool. They eat dinner with one less family member unable to share stories of how they found a new bug outside today and caught it or met a new friend. They go to bed thinking about Mommy or Daddy and cry themselves to sleep wishing they could just have a hug and kiss goodnight before they closed their little eyes but also give back "unconditional" love and support despite all the things they are neglected of.

It is a different world in which these children live, one of gated communities that they live in guarded by gunned military police, random vehicle searches, deployments, training exercises and much more. They games they play are different, they have different perspectives on play and life, even at the young age of 6 years old.

You see, to Sky, Summer and the other little children of military members this is not "A" war it is "THE" war, the war they too fight everyday even if the rest of us have forgotten. God bless you little ones and I pray that God shields your little hearts from pain and sorrow.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We're a movin' on up!

So we finally moved into the house and things are coming together little by little. Our internet was connected yesterday and they will connect the TV's and I can get the phone thing straightened out this next week. I feel like we have been going non-stop! I really don't feel like myself, it kinda feels like re-inventing. It is a whole new lifestyle and different culture all at once. Maybe soon I will find me again.

We went to Okinawa World with Chris and Cindy last Saturday and had an awesome time! Cindy kept up with everyone like a champ as we walked the whole park with her expecting to deliver on the 21st but to every one's surprise baby Kellen was born the next evening (6Lbs,12Oz.), Happy Father's Day!!

We are still living quite nomadically considering all of our express shipment will not be here until Saturday. We had to go shopping for things that everyone needs to set up a new house. I always hate doing that, it seems like such a waste of money to re-purchase stuff you already had that was perfectly fine. humph...

This house is in much need of some love, real love, real paint, real furniture, real everything. The neighborhood is full of kids so I really do think the kids will do well all in all. I am really looking forward to our stuff making it so I can keep occupied with something.

It is so moist and humid here that mold tends to grow on everything. the first night we were here I guess with the doors open from moving things in and the cool air of the house the bathroom ceilings had thousands of condensated water droplets all over them. Marissa lost it but was easily calmed once we explained what it was.It looked like something you would see on a scary movie. The de-humidifiers are a must to keep things dry and the kids calm.

I posted a few pics on photobucket of our Okinawa World Park adventure, here they are.

Okay... I can't get my link thingy to work so you will have to do it the old fashion cut and paste way. Sorry!

It is under "Okinawa World" on the left hand side of the screen.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Still waiting

We actually had our housing appointment last week and it went as we expected initially with the offer of "The Towers(of terror)", I really didn't think she was going to budge but finally after I looked pitiful enough she said "Oh, I might be able to place you guys in a 4 bedroom multi-plex unit" so she did!!

So it is nothing elaborate but it is not an apartment and really, it isn't all that bad for free and no fee utilities. 4 bedroom/2.5 bath and a large living room and stainless steel kitchen countertops for all the cooking I do (ha!) We do have a large back patio and front patio so all we need now is a grill!! Yum!!

We met up with Chris and Cindy from Oki and had an awesome time! We went on a blind-date and I think it might be the beginning of a wonderful relationship, Ha! They are great people, so nice to finally meet them. They are expecteing their 1st baby on the 21st, I am so excited!

Javan will be going to schol at Bechtal Elementary and Sis's school just opened this summer, she will be the youngest class to enter that school so she WILL repeat WILL be going to middle school, YIKES!! Marissa's school is on Kadena Airforce Base so she will be a little ways from home, it's not like in the states where we have sooooo many schools - here you kinda have to go where the school is no matter where you are stationed. Her school will start at 0720 and get out at 1350 and Jav will start at 0830 and be out by 1450, not so bad really.

I have applied for a school nurse position here at the Department of Defense schools although I prefer emergency care I do feel like this is a good fit for the kids and I- especially if Steve is not here. I will be off all of their holidays and summers so I can be less stressed.

It is funny because life on the island is pretty laid back and we are not really use to that. Everyone just kinda' slowly does their own thing, no rush , no drama. We are looking forward to that. No mortgage, no car payments, no utilities, summer, Steves job is really laid back home by 1600 or so even earlier on Fridays no working weekends, beaches, watersports, resorts, ahhhh....heaven.

Javan will start swimming lessons on the 16th and Sis will start music school for singing lessons soon too. It looks like everyone is falling into place. We can move in to our house on the 16th and I think I will take some time to paint a few walls another color then "government orange" and make it feel a little bit more like home. We will borrow furniture for a bit until we purchase new so that will throw me off a little because I am sure that it is not the most beautiful furniture but in time we can replace it as we go. It is so strange to leave everything and start new.

Sunday we went to a place called "Expo Park" it is where their new aquarium is located on the north end of the island. We had an awesome time! Expo Park is like a Seaworld except very open and quiet. The Japanese are more quiet and calm than Americans and you can even tell at their parks, it is so strange. I found myself yelling for the kids across the park some where they had wandered off to play in the water and realized I was the loudest one there! Imagine that, me? the loudest one? Hard to believe I know. I'm gonna simmer down some.

Here is the link to our pics of our outing with Chis and Cindy and Expo Park.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We are not lost.

Just checking in with everyone, things have been sooooo busy with Newcomers orientation and getting everything together that I just have not had time to let everyone know we are doing OK. We have our housing appt. tomorrow morning so keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer we get a duplex vs. towers. It does not look good for us though. Guess we should just be happy we have someplace to live right? Nothing wrong with dreaming.....

We are going to look for cars today. We both passed our drivers test although I had to help Steve with his (ha! Just kidding) I think I will take my time driving here, it is CRAZY!

Hey, right now, as I sit here this Japanese worker who works here at the lodge where we are staying is in the lobby here with me doing exercises and stretches - Just came in first thing in the morning and started stretching and warming up for her work day. I wish I could video her for you guys, so many things are different here. They all warm-up in the morning alone or in a group to start their work day. So when everyone goes to work in the morning I want you all to stretch-it-out!!

I have posted a few pics on our myspace, we have not really ventured off base too much right now but we will have better pics after the weekend of the actual island. Love yas'

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Whoa...Hello Mr. Jet Lag

So the day started just like any other kids watching cartoons and us waking to the sounds of their laughter except, it was 0545!! What!! 0545 and we are all up and staring at each other - what now?

We decided to eat a bite of breakfast and get ready for the day, all done by 0830. If you know me at all I was slightly lost as to what to do at that time of the morning all dressed, kids fed and ready to do whatever it is we are to do. What are we suppose to do right now? We meandered through the morning waiting until about 110 to call Viva since she was to pick us up about 12:30 to show us around a bit and gather some things. We did go by the PX (aka the military "Wal-mart" or "K-Mart" for my non-military speaking Friends) as we arrived there was an American Red Cross table set up and I thought what a perfect opportunity to see what they have to offer and ask questions about their volunteer program. The lady at the table was so sweet, I told her we had just arrived last night and she was just amazed at how nice I looked. I explained I had been up forever and had nothing else to do with myself, she was so complimentary.

It went straight to my head. I was thinking yeah, that's me, Jet Set. Mrs. International, " You need me where? Italy, Rome, The Americas' darling? Pedro, Get my bags, I'm off" We carried on through the day and arrived back to the room and I guess just stopping allowed for the over-whelming OMG I'm going down, DONE. OVER. I. AM. ASLEEP. I was out for the night at 1530 in the afternoon. I did wake up to feed the children around 2200 since the kids where hungry and Steve and I where ummm....resting then back to bed we went. The whole process started over again this morning when at 0600 Steve and I where awake and just lying in bed. I will not give in today we will make it to a normal bedtime and get ourselves together, maybe.

Well we are moving from Westpac Lodge to Camp Courtney today and I am not sure if we will have Internet access there so do not be alarmed if it is a few day until you hear from us. I will post pics once I can find a "Hot Spot" to connect our computer. They are great!! You guys are going to L.O.V.E the little tiny cars over here! Marissa looks like the paparazzi snapping pics of people in their little cute cars. I wonder if the Japanese ever shake their heads at the Americans walking around taking pics of everything they see? Ha! That's backwards huh?

Friday, May 30, 2008

Ohayou Gozaimasu

Word of the day : Ohayou Gozaimasu (Ohio Go-zi-mus)
Means - Good Morning

We made it, and it is all we expected it to be and more!! We arrived last night on the "Patriot Express" from Seattle to Okinawa around 1750 or so. The flight was long but we really did over-stress about making sure the kids had plenty to do. They have in-flight on-demand movies and Nickelodeon as well as video games and trivia that you can play with the rest of the plane, they even show your seat number so people can come by and laugh at you when you don't know the answers.

The craziest thing is that we never saw night-fall, ever, it was daytime the whole trip until we arrived to Okinawa and we were deboarding the plane. That will mess you up. We originally were expecting to go to a hotel on Camp Courtney but our sponsor informed us that Camp Courtney had no power today from 0800-1800 so she moved us to Camp Foster for 2 days then we will move over to Courtney(God love her). Viva, our sponsor had sandwich stuff and cereal with a few other things in our room when we arrived so we ate a quick bite and crashed hard. I think the kids where asleep before they even hit their pillows!! We were all up around 0300 and Steve and I found ourselves a little restless but that did not last long and we were right back to sleep.

The weather when we arrived was muggy and damp, Viva said it had rained so it wasn't quite as humid as it should be. Great!! There will be no need to ever really fix my hair here, ever. Today we are going to start small and go pick up laundry detergent and our manual to practice for or drivers test on Tuesday, wish me luck!! We may venture off for dinner tonight, I don't know?

Just wanted to let you guys know we are in and trying to soak everything up. The kids on the way to Camp Courtney form the airport where sooooo excited and trying to look at so much at once they said their eyes hurt! Now that's REALLY checkin' things out!!

Love you guys and we will have internet connection today and tomorrow so we will be checking back in with you. Have a great day!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Leaving on a jet plane...

Well to say that our new adventure has been uneventful was the truth until we arrived here at the Seattle airport.I would not really be able to share much with you if we would not have had the great fortune of staying at the USO last night.

Upon arriving and locating the little hole in the wall you begin to notice that the "Marines have landed". Fortunately for us they had a "family room" left that we would be able to use IF we would have registered prior to going to put our bags up. This is where we were thrust into the mud -filled trenches of military life that for so long have not been a part of. The thought of getting a hotel room did cross our minds but the fact that we a lugging around 8 large suitacases, 4 carry-ons, 1 purse (of course) 2 blankets, 2 children and a partridge in a pear tree there was absolutely NO WAY we were leaving that place!!!

We were left to rough-it in a room filled with bunk beds and military members, not so bad for us but Javan was thinking this was not really his cup of tea. He told Steve he was scared and I guess for all real reasons it would make sense - He has no home, no schedule, no structure, no bed and now he is sleeping in a room full of strange men. I kinda find it ironic that he would be scared due to the fact that EVERY man in that room would go to any length to be sure that he was safe for the night, some things they just don't understand. Not being part of a military family for so long we all have quite a bit of readjusting to do.

Guys I am going to make this one short so I can visit with our new plane friends and chat but know that we love you all and leave the states with many mixed emotions - sadness, excitement, anxiety, curiosity and so many other things it just brings tears to my eyes. We will try to get in touch with you all in a few days, don't worry it may take some time to get our communication together.

Gotta go, the troops are restless!!

Love, Cindi

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!!

What a great day to spend with family and friends! Nikki and Kevin had a going-away party for us this weekend and we had so many people show up to say good-bye, it was wonderful. It was a great opportunity to say our goodbyes and leave with great memories. We love you all and thank you for coming to see us off.

Good times, good times...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Answering the call of the wild.

Today we ventured off into the great unknown with nothing but our camara and a few alfafa pellets. I must tell you that we were not quite prepared for the beast we were about to meet. There were a few subtle and meek animals and a few savages, at times we were unsure if we would make it out alive (and to think we took children).

We traveled many miles and the children were very weary upon our return to our safe retreat but they left with many memories and a few they will not forget for a long time if not forever. We visited an exotic animal farm just out of Springfield, MO and had an awesome time!! If you guys ever get a chance to make it you will have a blast and a few slobber stains to remember your adventure!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Where to start?

Ok, I know it has been a LOOOONG time since I even updated you guys as to what is going on, it has been so hectic and crazy that we have not even had a chance to slow down. We are finally out of our house and have handed it over to out tenants, they seem to really be happy there. I'm so relieved that we have people in our home that will really enjoy it.

Steve repainted the whole house and I think we underestimated the process since our homes ceilings and walls are so large, we have 20 foot walls in the great room. I think we may have had time to finish but our clearing of the house for the renters was cut short when we received a phone call at 0130 Wednesday morning letting us know that Steve's cousin in Poplar Bluff was killed approximately 2 hours earlier in a car accident.

Lauren Elizabeth Capper was killed at the young age of 17 after being struck by a tractor-trailer when going home from a friends house. She had called Uncle Elmer to let him know she was on her way but never arrived. I wish there was something I could do for everyone, the pain is so much when anyone dies but to lose a child that has so much going for her and is so loved by everyone. Lauren turned 17 Feb. 14th and had such a bright future in front of her. It was guesstimated over 800 people came for her visitation. She will be missed by so many, it will be a long time until these painful, open wounds are healed to allow everyone to find peace in her death.

We had to leave earlier than expected to go to Poplar Bluff to be with family so Steve had to hire a young guy to help us finish painting, it never is quite the same as if you where to do it yourself but it worked and we a finally out. of. our. house!!!

So lets re-cap, here is what we have been doing over the last week
Monday: House
Tuesday:House and Steve's birthday (we forgot with all the house junk, poor guy.)
we went to bed early thinking we would get a good nights sleep and start fresh and we got the
phone call about Lauren, little sleep that night.
Wednesday: House and painting/ carpet cleaning
Thursday:House and sis spent the night with a friend, we had dinner with Mickey and Terrie.
Friday: Finished the house and left for Poplar Bluff about 2030 arrived around 2300, the kids left with Cami to go to Springfield to see their Aunt Amanda.
Saturday: Funeral and Family
Sunday: Left Poplar Bluff to go back to STL, Marissa stayed in Springfield and Javan came back for his graduation, we stayed the night at Cami's with Javan.
Monday: Met with Bonnie and Kayla for dinner and we all went to Javan's graduation. Monday night we drove back to Springfield with Javan.
Tuesday: Here we are!! It all seems so muddled and I don't really even want to remember the last week with all the house junk and Lauren so lets move on to better things.

Friday, May 2, 2008

I wanna be teachers pet...

21 years, a lot happens in 21 years-so much matter of fact that you really can not cover it all. You can not really tell someone about what has happened in your life that has made you who you are today and the things that have shaped your personality and being to become the person they are looking at right now, today.

You see, when I look back on my young life as a child I have quite a few memories of school and friends and remember trying to figure out how I wanted to treat people and really oddly enough my 6th grade teacher has so much to do and holds many memories of my past. You know that one teacher that really made an impact on your life? The one that when you sit around talking about teachers that "one" always pops into your head and you wonder..."Where are they, what are they doing?" The friend to a child as much as they could be as well as a teacher? Things change so much with age.

Mrs. Janie Taylor and I always had a special relationship when I was in 6th grade. I remember the first day I met her and thinking how kind she seemed to be, I even remember what I was wearing (strange huh?) As the year passed I leaned on her for many things, my family was consumed with my sister being ill and I occasionally needed a little extra attention and guidance since my mom was very busy with Bekah and we had some major family turmoil that year that caused much confusion and insecurity, Mrs. Taylor was always there. I remember sitting up at her desk and just talking to her and telling her how I felt or things that I was concerned about after school or during recess and she would listen, maybe this was nothing big to her but to an eleven year old it was so needed. Every now and then I would need to go with her after school because no one was home or for some other strange reason that I was not privy to as a child and she was always there, smiling and talking. ( I think I had a few pop quizzes in there too, that fair?)

I was able to track her down (not as hard and mysterious as it may seem) and we met for lunch. Marissa thought this was VERY funny that I was going to see MY sixth grade teacher. I only hope that Marissa has a teacher one day in her life that she thinks of as I think of Ms. Taylor. She is still just as kind and beautiful as I remember her as a child. Sometimes God brings certain people in your life that will always be a part of you for one reason or another, a person that you don't have to talk to or see every week, month, year or even 21 years but you know that they are just... there-part of who made you who you are, part of your past.

I truly enjoyed seeing Mrs. Taylor again and just officially want to thank her for her kindness and professionalism, she went way beyond the required duties of a teacher. Mrs. Taylor taught me more than the stepping stones of academics needed to become the nurse I am today she also taught me kindness, compassion, hope, friendship and so many other things that makes me person I am to many people. Mrs. Taylor passed along traits that allow me to be a nurse to the sick and hopeless, the mother to my children, the wife to my husband and true friend to those around me. I hope I can continue on with a renewed sense of compassion and maybe one day be this person to someone else in their life.

Thank you Mrs. Taylor.

Friday, April 18, 2008

It's almost 2:00am, why am I here?

I was all nestled in bed cozy and slightly restless but it was easily overcome once we turned off the TV and closed my eyes. I guess I had drifted off because I heard the blinds rustle when the wind blew and it startled me awake just enough to realize how comfy I was. This is the point where 1 little thought after another started creeping into my mind of the fact there is still so much left to do and how little time there is left to do it in.

I was thinking if I wrote it all down than I would be able to shake it off my mind but I again realized so much of it isn't just tasks and "to-do's" . It has many more roots than that. We have been here for so long, longer than I ever would have wanted. Just long enough to cause me to miss so many of you. Not just those of you who are close but also those far away that I am so used to having easy access to and know without a shadow of a doubt if you need me or I need you we could make that happen, because that is what friends and family do. So many of you have filled roles that I have not allowed for many years in the past just for this reason, the pain of leaving. I have accomplished friendships that are healthier than any I have ever had in the past and they have made me a better person and those friendships will continue to help me grow and in turn be a wonderful friend to someone else.

Marissa had said something the other day of how all her friends tell her "It's OK, we will see you again" and all she could respond was "No, no you won't". She is right. Realistically these kids will go on with life and Marissa will eventually become a faint memory in their minds and likewise for her and it saddens me to watch her rationalize that and come to terms with the realization.

I, on the other hand, have experienced this over and over again and I think you start to build a wall of "safety". We moved quite a bit as a child and I remember those feelings, I so don't want Marissa to repeat that habit of disposable friendships. I can not imagine not being able to talk and laugh with each and every single one of you. I so desire to keep you all close with pictures, e-mail, stories, laughs and in turn teach my daughter to do the same. I have been blessed by every facet of friendship each of you has offered in your own way. Thank you all.

As I was laying there thinking I was too lazy to get up and actually come in here to the computer I heard a train, you know, "Choo-choo". Do you think they have like "real" trains in Okinawa? Or is this one of the last few times I will actually hear a train rumble bye? Then I got to wondering, "What else will I not hear, smell, see, touch, taste for the next 3 years?" That's when I knew I had to get up. I tried snuggling up to Steve but he was already sound asleep and I think it irritated me more to know he was not awake with me enduring this whole thought process. Plus, I can't stand to feel anyone breath on me-at all, and I swear no matter what position I moved to I could feel him exhale EVERY time. He is still in there breathing repeatedly, without me, none the wiser. Sleep tight my love.

Maybe I have procrastinated getting things together for some unknown inner sub-conscious reason. I am excited we are going and happy for the experience, I just want to take you all along so we can enjoy it together.

My house is in TOTAL disarray due to moving things about and cleaning things out that it has become slightly overwhelming. The saddest part is I know I will never be placing it all back together here in my home, this house will never again be "My home". I really liked my house and although I know we are renting it and not selling it right now I also know we will never come back home here to this house. Our days are numbered house and we are passing you on for others to enjoy. It is funny to me that I did get a phone call from a lady interested in renting who had no kids,husband or animals and I immediately wanted to just tell her "Oh, you can't rent my house then, it would be too empty, too sad". Many memories in this old house. Javan does not remember anything but this house. Pretty funny huh? A military brat living in one house long enough to not remember living anywhere else?

OK, I have rambled on enough and I think I am starting to talk in circles so I am going to go write down my list of things to do tomorrow on the fridge and try to go to sleep.

~Goodnight and sweet dreams~

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My sister the SSSSupastaa...

I knew you would finally make to in the "bigtime". So proud of you!

This is what Javan has been up to

I went to get Jav clothes for school and something moved towards me as I opened the door and scared me, I had to fight myself not to run since I knew he and I where the only ones in the house.

This kid is too much!

Oh, for the love of Stripes!

After calling American Airlines to find out what it actually takes to get a gecko to Okinawa they were sorry to inform me that they DO NOT fly gecko's to Japan. I am really confused on how all these animals get there. There are soooo many military families with animals over there, how the hell did they do it? It costs a small fortune!

Cyrus I understand is so big that his crate does not fit through the connection flight from Tokyo to Okinawa so therefore you have to spend lotsa $$$$$ to have him "specialty" shipped. The fat tailed gecko on the other hand is ity bity (don't let the name fool ya), like maybe 6 oz. less if I skinny his little tail up! He Can not go on the flight with us so he too has to go as cargo but may be easier to get through Tokyo customs. They are telling us maybe around $800-1000.00 or maybe more to get the little guy over there! Craziness.

This little guy has been through so much, we almost lost him to double pneumonia back in Jan. of 07, he was so sick. Stripes was in intensive care and in grave condition, very touch and go for a little while. The doctors had sat us down and explained they really did not expect to see him make it through. We never gave up on the little man and he spent about a month and a half in the hospital with antibiotic therapy and forced feedings and finally his chest x-rays showed his pneumonia was all cleared up and he came home looking very thin and sad. We missed him while he was gone terribly and made get-well cards for him with Javan's picture and we would call and check on him quite often or go by and visit. Javan and stripes grew very close and now look at us, possibly not able to take him with us. I'm distraught.

My children are going to grow up never being able to maintain healthy relationships, things they love are going to be dispensable, they are going to give their spouses and children away every time they move!! Oh crap. It will be our fault that they are relationship nomads.

I could really use some good news regarding animals right about now. But I don't see it coming.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It is official.

After much consideration and discussion we have made a command decision that Cyrus will not be coming along on our journey to Japan with our family. Cyrus just happens to be huge and we found that we will get penalized due to his weight with airfare and not to mention that we where told that it looks like we will not get base housing due to "no animals" allowed in some of the housing areas.

We do feel it is important to use our government resources while we are over-seas to reduce stress and other unnecessary things that living off-base will cause. I am sorry Cyrus, we are going to miss you and your silly ways. Amanda and Daniel will be Cyrus's new "parents" for the next 3 years and they are excited about him arriving. Marissa is concerned he will be lonely at night since he sleeps right in the big middle of the bed with her and Javan, I think she may be right. Hurry up Natalee and get out of that baby bed, you have a huge teddy bear who wants to snuggle with you.

Bye buddy, we will keep up with you and you better be good for Aunt Amanda and Uncle Daniel.

Psst...Cyrus, just FYI, Aunt Amanda does not allow dogs on her furniture but if you look at her just right with that cute little puppy dog face she might let you cuddle up with her for just a minute or two.