Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Holy moley! Typhoon on the loose!

I have never really witnessed or have experienced a real typhoon(hurricaine,etc.).Everyone here says "Typhoon this, typhoon that" and how we need to "stock up" but I am clueless as to what to grab! I think I'm just gonna follow people around in the store and grab whatever they are grabbing. LOL. Yikes! I gotta go!

As of now it is projected to hit the with the eye going right across the island on Friday around 2100 with winds to 155 miles per hour. Wow! that's fast.

Check out the link!



Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Take cover and just buy whatever you can get your hands on! Of course you need the obligatory Missourian supplies; bread, milk and eggs...gotta be able to make french toast during a crisis! Seriously, be careful and hold on tight. I'll say some prayers!

mAnDa said...

Oh my goodness! I hope you are buying the right things! LOL. Let me know how things go!!! Mom and Dad are in for Ike too! They are heading to Kerrville in the morning. Prayers for everyone!!! ps...why does my family live in these places...lol! I would too if I could!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindi - it was great to see you today!!! It's also great to see your family through your blog!
My address is www.TheHouseofTraquair.blogspot.com

Let me know what you think!! Praise God we didn't get hit by the typhoon! I hope your family is okay!!!

Hope to see you soon!!!