Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Roof, The Roof, The Roof is on Fia...

So Steve and I being the huge world travelers that we are decided to go to Vegas Baby for our 12th wedding anniversary. Did I say Steve and I decided? Okay, maybe I decided and convinced Steve that it would be a great idea AND we haven't been in 12 years AND it is our anniversary AND we didn't even get to stay overnight the night we got married AND...(you get the idea) The poor man got tired of hearing my excuses and finally gave in.

Got leave, kinda. There was some major swapping of shifts and begging on my part to get some things covered but it finally happened. We left out early Friday morning with the kiddo's hanging out with my sister for the weekend arriving to major mayhem in the "City that never sleeps". We could see smoke billowing from the airport when we arrived and traveling to our hotel. We stayed at New York, New York so we were slightly concerned as to what the hell was on fire? Was it our hotel? The shuttle driver assured us that it was surely construction that was being done around the strip. Cool! A little excitement!

Traffic was at a stand still but having the experienced shuttle driver we did we manipulated our way through the city like nothing was even happening. Rounding the corner to our hotel it all came into view as to what was on fire! The Monte Carlo! Perfect timing. Three little old ladies in town for the "Red Hat Society" world-record breaking chorus line attempt (just imagine how many broken hips they ended up with!) where arriving to stay at the Monte Carlo where a bit in a dither, they asked if they could stay with us over the weekend but didn't want to bother us since we looked like newlyweds'. HA! -So sweet! Now that's funny. We just suggested to them to belly up to a bar and wait it out. Hope everything turned out okay for them. Minus the anxiety that there could be people in the hotel it was a pretty cool scene. People being evacuated and running around all crazy like. It was like a train wreck, it sucked but we still wanted to see more. At first the whole thing was disbelief. "Oh my! Look at that"! That quickly turned into "Here get a pic of me standing here in front of this massive casino while it burns down". And "Do you mind getting a picture of us together?" and finally I knew the vacation to Vegas was off to a great start when we found a Monte Carlo employee standing and watching her place of employment burn and asked "Hey, wanna take a pic with us?"
After wrapping up our photo session we were of to, well...drink. Hung out at a piano bar in New York, New York and Steve was so done and cuddled into bed by 1700. Thankfully Austin our long-time friend was in town working so he and I grabbed some dinner and headed to the bar to finish off what Steve started! Our schedules where a little off since Steve was ready to rock and roll when I got back but it was my turn to call it quits. We got better at syncing our schedules and working together after that.

We felt like we were always on the move and did you know? There are no clocks located anywhere in the Casinos? It's like a little time-warp where your money and time gets sucked up all together! So much fun! There is also many other things to do and see, you don't have to be a big gambler - shows - clubs - attractions.
Our evenings where full fun and excitement some things we will not disclose here because you know what they say..."What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"
Thank you baby for enjoying a fun-filled, exciting, weekend with me.It all went by so fast - like a Cheetah! Had a wonderful time, I can't wait to do it again!

Monte Carlo Fire 1/25/08

Monday, January 7, 2008

Love is...

There are so many things that love is. So many facets, so many events, moments, words, looks, and emotions. How do you separate them all? How do you decide what is true and what is "comfortable"? I love this little forward, it really makes you see the innocence of love and what is really where it all began. It is so sweet how little people see such great things in people. Once Marissa told me when she was about three, "Mommy you have the prettiest eyes I've ever sawed" She didn't want anything from me or have anything to prove to me, she just told me how her heart felt. I love that. I wish all love was like that. Unfortunately as we get older we F**k things up and really hurt the ones we love allowing our hearts to turn from innocent to guilty, soft to hard, compassionate to uncaring. How does this happen?

I wish love could always be like this...

'When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.' Billy - age 4

God love Billy, I hope he never feels anything different.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Oh so nice...

Here we all are sitting on the front porch. Javan and Steve playing ball in the yard, sis doing her homework, Amanda smoking a cigarette and kids voices and laughter throughout the neighborhood. The weather is so nice today here in The Lou. 72 degrees! Yippee! How often does that happen? Well let me tell you. Never(So the weather channel says) We have hit a record!

I'm gonna miss this place. Kinda' getting nervous regarding moving. It seems so weird that you can be so excited about going somewhere and also so anxious at the same time. At what point does the move once it is completed turn from "New Adventure" to "Oh, shit we are living in Japan!"? Don't worry, I'll let you know when that happens.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Wow, a new year. We can actually say we are officially leaving to move out of the country this year. Sounds crazy to say that! I was telling the kids this time next year we would be in Japan for over 7 months and hopefully well versed on our new adopted cultures and ways. How exciting!

My mom, dad and Eric came for Christmas and we had a great time. It is so sad to think that it may have really been the last time I see them for more than three years. It is not unrealistic to think we may actually go that long now due to the distance between here and Texas and the chaos of life but to know that we are going to be so very far away saddens me so much. The only solice I have is to think that maybe they can come and visit and they can really enjoy themselves seeing a new country. It was so nice seeing my dad. I visit quite regularly with my mom on the phone but my dad is a man of few words to say the least. I enjoyed just having him close, it is a very safe feeling.

My mom actually got her first tattoo while she was here with Amanda(my sis) and I! Funny huh? I have to say it was the best Christmas present I could have gotten. We all 3 have the Celtic symbol of sisterhood, the circle is never broken. Maybe we will work on my other sister and she will eventually give in for a tribal tattoo. (HA)

The kids have been practicing their "Japanese" cooking skills. We took Natalee and the kids to a Hibachi restaurant and had a fun time. We go quite often but this was Natalee's first time and we all really enjoyed watching her little face while the show was going on. She is not so hip on the whole "flaming volcano" thing.

Your eyebrows will grow back soon, sorry Natalee.