Sunday, June 14, 2009

CW02 Rick Richardson KIA 10JUN2009 - RIP

I was called to work Thursday morning, the last day of school, to fill in for a co-worker whom I later found out that she had received news of her husbands death earlier that morning.

I have to say I currently live in a place where "deployments" and "war" are everyday terms and I believe you eventually form a buffer to the stark reality of it all. I may sit with you for coffee at Starbuck's and you may tell me your husband left 2 months ago for Afghanistan and the response is "Oh, let me know if you need anything". As in this case, I looked at The Richardson's ball pictures on her desk at work prior to his death and thought "What a cute couple, they look so happy". The thought never crossed my mind of "I wonder if he will ever make it home to share in the Marine Corps traditions and once again take another "cute" picture with his wife or even tuck his son into bed?"

I should be ashamed for not looking at every moment and realizing that it is a gift. The Marine Corps worked so quickly to get Jenny and her son home that I never had a chance to express our sorrow and to say simple words that mean so little during such painful times. Lord be with them when there are no other words of comfort. CW02 Rick Richardson, Godspeed...

"A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want
in...And how many want out. Only two defining forces have ever offered
to die for you: Jesus Christ and the American Soldier..One died for our
soul, the other for our freedom."

Monday, June 8, 2009

We look into the eyes of history on this island.

I accompanied Marissa on her filed trip to 3 "War Memorial" sites with her Social Studies class and although I still feel VERY overwhelmed by all the information, painful stories, pictures and tears- I wanted to share our experience with you.

Our trip was so fast so we were very rushed through the sites. There was not really enough time to take it all in. This is a trip that will have to be re-visited with more time and Kleenexes. I guess I never realized how the Okinawan's were so scared of us due to lies told about the Americans, they were scared for there lives and families. The fear of watching us abuse and mutilate their children and family caused many of them to murder their children and elderly. Standing at the cliffside where mothers threw there children off into the sea took my breath away trying to imagine the emotions that must have encompassed her.

Okinawa was a land set apart from Japan that had to suffer the consequences of evil rule and war that was necessary for all of us to live freely today. Many Americans, Okinawans and Civilians lost their lives on these grounds. I am humbled by them all.

Peace Prayer Park