Friday, April 18, 2008

It's almost 2:00am, why am I here?

I was all nestled in bed cozy and slightly restless but it was easily overcome once we turned off the TV and closed my eyes. I guess I had drifted off because I heard the blinds rustle when the wind blew and it startled me awake just enough to realize how comfy I was. This is the point where 1 little thought after another started creeping into my mind of the fact there is still so much left to do and how little time there is left to do it in.

I was thinking if I wrote it all down than I would be able to shake it off my mind but I again realized so much of it isn't just tasks and "to-do's" . It has many more roots than that. We have been here for so long, longer than I ever would have wanted. Just long enough to cause me to miss so many of you. Not just those of you who are close but also those far away that I am so used to having easy access to and know without a shadow of a doubt if you need me or I need you we could make that happen, because that is what friends and family do. So many of you have filled roles that I have not allowed for many years in the past just for this reason, the pain of leaving. I have accomplished friendships that are healthier than any I have ever had in the past and they have made me a better person and those friendships will continue to help me grow and in turn be a wonderful friend to someone else.

Marissa had said something the other day of how all her friends tell her "It's OK, we will see you again" and all she could respond was "No, no you won't". She is right. Realistically these kids will go on with life and Marissa will eventually become a faint memory in their minds and likewise for her and it saddens me to watch her rationalize that and come to terms with the realization.

I, on the other hand, have experienced this over and over again and I think you start to build a wall of "safety". We moved quite a bit as a child and I remember those feelings, I so don't want Marissa to repeat that habit of disposable friendships. I can not imagine not being able to talk and laugh with each and every single one of you. I so desire to keep you all close with pictures, e-mail, stories, laughs and in turn teach my daughter to do the same. I have been blessed by every facet of friendship each of you has offered in your own way. Thank you all.

As I was laying there thinking I was too lazy to get up and actually come in here to the computer I heard a train, you know, "Choo-choo". Do you think they have like "real" trains in Okinawa? Or is this one of the last few times I will actually hear a train rumble bye? Then I got to wondering, "What else will I not hear, smell, see, touch, taste for the next 3 years?" That's when I knew I had to get up. I tried snuggling up to Steve but he was already sound asleep and I think it irritated me more to know he was not awake with me enduring this whole thought process. Plus, I can't stand to feel anyone breath on me-at all, and I swear no matter what position I moved to I could feel him exhale EVERY time. He is still in there breathing repeatedly, without me, none the wiser. Sleep tight my love.

Maybe I have procrastinated getting things together for some unknown inner sub-conscious reason. I am excited we are going and happy for the experience, I just want to take you all along so we can enjoy it together.

My house is in TOTAL disarray due to moving things about and cleaning things out that it has become slightly overwhelming. The saddest part is I know I will never be placing it all back together here in my home, this house will never again be "My home". I really liked my house and although I know we are renting it and not selling it right now I also know we will never come back home here to this house. Our days are numbered house and we are passing you on for others to enjoy. It is funny to me that I did get a phone call from a lady interested in renting who had no kids,husband or animals and I immediately wanted to just tell her "Oh, you can't rent my house then, it would be too empty, too sad". Many memories in this old house. Javan does not remember anything but this house. Pretty funny huh? A military brat living in one house long enough to not remember living anywhere else?

OK, I have rambled on enough and I think I am starting to talk in circles so I am going to go write down my list of things to do tomorrow on the fridge and try to go to sleep.

~Goodnight and sweet dreams~

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My sister the SSSSupastaa...

I knew you would finally make to in the "bigtime". So proud of you!

This is what Javan has been up to

I went to get Jav clothes for school and something moved towards me as I opened the door and scared me, I had to fight myself not to run since I knew he and I where the only ones in the house.

This kid is too much!

Oh, for the love of Stripes!

After calling American Airlines to find out what it actually takes to get a gecko to Okinawa they were sorry to inform me that they DO NOT fly gecko's to Japan. I am really confused on how all these animals get there. There are soooo many military families with animals over there, how the hell did they do it? It costs a small fortune!

Cyrus I understand is so big that his crate does not fit through the connection flight from Tokyo to Okinawa so therefore you have to spend lotsa $$$$$ to have him "specialty" shipped. The fat tailed gecko on the other hand is ity bity (don't let the name fool ya), like maybe 6 oz. less if I skinny his little tail up! He Can not go on the flight with us so he too has to go as cargo but may be easier to get through Tokyo customs. They are telling us maybe around $800-1000.00 or maybe more to get the little guy over there! Craziness.

This little guy has been through so much, we almost lost him to double pneumonia back in Jan. of 07, he was so sick. Stripes was in intensive care and in grave condition, very touch and go for a little while. The doctors had sat us down and explained they really did not expect to see him make it through. We never gave up on the little man and he spent about a month and a half in the hospital with antibiotic therapy and forced feedings and finally his chest x-rays showed his pneumonia was all cleared up and he came home looking very thin and sad. We missed him while he was gone terribly and made get-well cards for him with Javan's picture and we would call and check on him quite often or go by and visit. Javan and stripes grew very close and now look at us, possibly not able to take him with us. I'm distraught.

My children are going to grow up never being able to maintain healthy relationships, things they love are going to be dispensable, they are going to give their spouses and children away every time they move!! Oh crap. It will be our fault that they are relationship nomads.

I could really use some good news regarding animals right about now. But I don't see it coming.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It is official.

After much consideration and discussion we have made a command decision that Cyrus will not be coming along on our journey to Japan with our family. Cyrus just happens to be huge and we found that we will get penalized due to his weight with airfare and not to mention that we where told that it looks like we will not get base housing due to "no animals" allowed in some of the housing areas.

We do feel it is important to use our government resources while we are over-seas to reduce stress and other unnecessary things that living off-base will cause. I am sorry Cyrus, we are going to miss you and your silly ways. Amanda and Daniel will be Cyrus's new "parents" for the next 3 years and they are excited about him arriving. Marissa is concerned he will be lonely at night since he sleeps right in the big middle of the bed with her and Javan, I think she may be right. Hurry up Natalee and get out of that baby bed, you have a huge teddy bear who wants to snuggle with you.

Bye buddy, we will keep up with you and you better be good for Aunt Amanda and Uncle Daniel.

Psst...Cyrus, just FYI, Aunt Amanda does not allow dogs on her furniture but if you look at her just right with that cute little puppy dog face she might let you cuddle up with her for just a minute or two.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Somebody wants our house

na, na, na, na, na, na.

Somebody, rent this damn house.

We hired a property manager to you know, "manage" the property while we are gone and he has 2 different options regarding pay.
1. Start up
If he markets your house to rent it for you then he takes your security deposit, does not matter how much he just snatches it right up. In our case it would be $1500.00.
That includes:
rental application
lease paperwork
and all the other crap I don't know about doing.
2.On-going management
You lease your house and have renters and he just collects payment and does the "management" thing and collects 8% of your monthly mortgage, better than the 10% I found at other property management places.

My thinking was, why give him our security deposit? I can rent it myself and keep the security deposit for house emergencies and to give back the renters security deposit. Plus he literally said on the phone in the 30 years he has been a realtor he has never rented as many homes as he has over the last 6 months! If he can do it I can. HA!

So I have placed ads on craigslist and and have had people respond but there are just soooooo many homes out there right now we are in a renting war. I feel like I need to make these looking families dinner and start a movies for them with the candles lit just to give them something different. Good idea!! Do you think that will scare them away? Maybe Steve could give them a massage or sing to them? The kids could dance, and Cyrus could come with the house. Maybe I will try that one: Free dog with rental of home.

If you know anyone, who might want to rent our place pass them along to me, we could really get them all set up and the kids need to start working on their dance moves.

Here is the link to Craigslist: