Monday, May 16, 2011

Experience in Round

This blog has come full circle! As I look back at some of the amazing things we have done while living in Japan I realize I did not do any justice to our stay here by keeping my blog up!

I actually enjoy looking back to what we have been up to, how things were going, or how I was feeling about certain things going on in our lives (although I have a hard time sharing personal feelings, I am thinking I will try to get better at this...maybe). I guess this is the whole purpose of keeping a "log" of sorts. Fascinating.

We will be headed to Seattle Thursday, cat in tow, and plan on meeting up with my Cousin whom I have not seen in many, many years. Mainly due to reasons that we were not privy to as children - we just witnessed the final outcome of loss of knowing each other grow-up. I am excited about getting to meet her and her family!

Then it is off to "The Lou"! It is going to be a whirlwind and somewhere in the middle we need to buy a car - transportation is a good thing. Currently I am feeling a bit lost without transportation or communication devices. We may have to communicate via Morris code or smoke signals until we can get everything lined up (be on the lookout!) Who would have ever imagined even 17 years ago that manipulating throughout your day would be a task without a cell phone. Can you say SPOILED?

I am so afraid I am going to "rush" the summer in a hurry to get settled in to our new house! I don't want to be anticipating everything and not enjoy the "moment" that we are in. Before I know it Steve will be back to work and the kids will be in school leaving me wondering where all of our time together went. So...I really plan on taking it day by day and not rush having all the "normal" things in life that your mind and body are so use to having such as: Your own bed, shower, car and home! Wish me luck...