Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A year of superficial living

December 29th 2009. This was the last time I visited this site...

Odd how you can miss yourself once you return to see your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Lately I feel like I no longer know who I am or what I stand for as I twirl about this thing called life. Never really paying attention to the things that really matter but superficially managing it all.

Superficial - concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious; not deep or penetrating emotionally or intellectually.

This is what I am because I have let priorities fade like the color of summer leaves drifting into fall. It brings about a sense of sadness of things missed, lost and surenderd; things left unsaid, uncompleted and unnurtured. A place of guilt and severe sadness as you come to realize the damage superficial lives can cause.

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