Saturday, July 5, 2008

Let freedom ring

So we went today to the Kadena Flight Line "American Fest" since Steve had duty all day and night on the fourth. I really did not feel like going especially when we heard on the radio that the temp. was 98 degrees and I soooo hate to sweat and be sticky but I took one for the team. I am glad we went though, we saw some REALLY funny stuff and had a fun time people watching. Matter of fact, I took a few pictures for you guys to enjoy too! Some things just really tickle me. I actually saw a Japanese man wearing red, white and blue today to celebrate July 4th! I had to giggle at this-

Kadena is always closed to the Japanese public but it did open today for them to come in and enjoy the festivities and boy do they flock in, they L.O.V.E anything American. It is fun to actually mingle with them and take pictures, they really like to take your pictures with them too - you will always see them holding up the peace sign in EVERY picture, even the babies. I saw my first Japanese mullet today and it just happened to be on a baby, I had to take his picture he was so damn cute!

Isn't this the cutest thing?

OH!! We saw our first Japanese butt crack today too and it wouldn't be in the true spirit of blogging if you didn't have to endure this memory with me also!
Actually, after looking at the color of the crack I am pretty sure he is American but it is so staying here in this blog because I actually went out of my way to photograph this guys butt in front of everyone.

They had a live concert by a group I was sure I did not even know but I thought some of their music was pretty cool until they sang a song that I actually knew! Whata' ya know it was EVE 6...Hmmmm, that's how up to date I am with the whole music scene thing. They sing that song "Inside Out" I felt all cool for 3 minutes and 39 seconds that I could actually sing a song along with them!

The kids had a great time and really enjoyed hanging out and watching fireworks. They had a few games of Okinawan Deal or no Deal and get this, a Japanese lady next to us did not speak English very well and they called raffle ticket numbers to determine who was going to play. She could not read the numbers fast enough to know if she won so she asked us to read it for her and sure enough she actually won a chance to go up to the stage! After being up there and playing the game for a bit her family would ask us what we thought she should do since they are not familiar with the game nor do they speak English very well. Our lady was up to $200.00 and had lost all the "large" sums so we motioned to "make a deal". She was soooo happy she won $200.00! Later one of her family member walked up to us and tried to give us money for helping! Isn't that crazy? Who would do that in the states? Actually try to give someone money for something like that! I couldn't believe how nice and polite they were so we only took $100.00. LOL!!! I'm kidding, we were shocked they even offered and declined politely.

The Winner!!

We had a great time and hope you guys enjoyed our 4th via Blog with us!


Anonymous said...

i have throughly enjoyed your blog! i enjoyed this one a lot too! japan is great, isnt it. the people are SO NICE! whne you said you only too 100$.. i was like.. NO SHE DID NOT!! :) thank goodness, cause i felt sorry for that family there for a sec!!!

-Cassey (amandas friend)

Carmen D. said...

Oh my gosh... that is sooo funny that you took the butt crack picture, hahaha! I just posted a blog about AmericaFest too actually. We only went yesterday evening from 5pm until just after the fireworks ended, but had a good time and avoided most of this heat! Loved the Eve 6 concert too :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! you start out making us laugh with the butt crack and then make us cry with Sky's words. The war seems so far away almost unreal, thanks for bringing us back to reality.(I mean that in a sincere way) My heart goes out to all the solders and their families. Take care Cindi