Sunday, February 17, 2008

Hmmm....who got shafted this Valentine's Day? So let me try to explain the feelings associated with "How do I give the man a pair of house shoes after he just gave me an absolutely gorgeous diamond ring?" I might not have even felt as bad if I would have given him his wonderfully comfy, soft, handsome house shoes first but ohhhh nooooo, it did not work out that way. Of course not. I was left bringing the man a box of Wal-Mart house shoes (and a card!) after he just placed a long awaited and much loved ring on my hand.

You see, 12 years ago Steve and I ran to Wal-Mart (must be one of our favorite places) and saw these little wedding bands on-sale and thought "Hey, we should grab these right now and go get married, in Vegas, wanna go?" $24.99 later - we were out! Off to get married. The lady asked if I wanted in sized down and we had to tell her "no", we had to leave right then, no time! I have had that same band for 12 years, until this Valentine's Day!

He has always said he never felt he needed to prove his love to me by buying me a ring and I do totally agree regarding the whole "proving your love concept" but come on, I'm a girl! Girls love diamonds like men love to fish! Like men like having big trucks! Like men like to have nice power-tools. Steve now says he can tell how much I love him with every step he takes.

Oh shit, I need to go get him a really nice power-tool that he can use while wearing his really cool house shoes. Umm yea, I'm gonna work on that. I Love you baby.

1 comment:

Killjoy said...

Y'all are funny. Glad you got your ring. After this deployment, I'm ready for an upgrade!