Sunday, December 14, 2008

Learning how to be a "Military Brat"

This is how you know you are a military brat trying to learn the "lingo".

I was picking Marissa up for a Orthodontic appointment last week and while in the car chatting the following conversation occured.

Marissa: Mom, we are not having a Christmas Dance this year at the school like we did for Halloween. Can you believe that?

Me: Why? It seems like so much fun, Did somebody do something and mess it all up for the rest of you?

Marissa: Well, actually the DJ is active duty and he UPS'd...

I lost it, I could just imagine him in a little box!

To my non-military friends and family what she was trying to say was "He PCS'd" meaning "Permanent Change of Station". Military families do this on an average EVERY 2.5 years, it is a WELL known term and used often with-in the military, I guess just not quite often enough around Sis.

Love ya girl! You will get the hang of it soon enough, welcome the the Marine Corps baby.

1 comment:

Amy Teets said...

OMG ups'd how funny!!
Yes, I design digital too crazy!! Good to finally hear from you!!! I stopped at the other blog awhile back the one you wrote on the matchbook :D