Monday, December 1, 2008

Brace Face

Marissa finally has her consult today for her new braces, now we will get to call her things like Brace Face, Tin Grin and all the other fun things we can think of!

We had originally planned on having her braces on prior to our move here but her primary teeth were just not cooperating. You can imagine my horror when we got here and they explained that she has to go through an approval process including boards and all sorts of other junk just to determine if she qualified for braces. I patiently waited without making a big deal over anything until the whole process had taken place and the "board" had convened. Here in Okinawa if approved you actually get government issued braces, we don't even have to pay for them! Crazy huh? Yeah, they had to tell me that about three times because I though I heard them wrong.

Since she already had orthodontics in her mouth I explained that we had no problem paying for them but she just REALLY needed them on SOON. They called to let us know we were approved so let the name calling begin. Hmmm, I wonder if they will places braces on Jav while we are over here since they are issued and all. :)

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